The main problem for power plants is the increased level of ash content and fluctuations in moisture in coal feed to boilers. This leads to a decrease in the calorific value of coal, clogging of the nozzles, and as a result, to a decrease in the generation of electricity and the deterioration of the equipment of the power plant. On the coal mining side, the variations in coal ash content reduce the efficiency of the beneficiation process leading to higher operating costs.
Thanks to continuous control of Coal Ash, Moisture, Calorific Value (GCV) & Volatile Matter (VM) by an online laser-based coal analyzer directly on the conveyor belt you can ensure that the right coal gets to the process at the right time. Coal Mines, Washeries & Power Plants can optimize their operations and make sure environmental standards are met at all times.
Examples of installation
• Quality control of coal to reject off-grade material that can lower calorific value, increase ash and lead to penalties
• Sorting out high-quality coal with minimum impurities (ash) to produce high-grade coal
• Accurate stockpile formation with the pre-set coal quality to control its proper blending for further beneficiation process and optimal dosage of magnetite
• Online control of coal quality during ship loading to reject off-grade portions and prevent customers’ claims.
Your benefits with MAYA Coal analyzers
• Increased plant efficiency based on continuous coal quality control without any radioactive sources
• Reduced production costs for commercially valueless coal by removing it prior to further processing
• Optimized coal blending, allowing the plant to involve lower-quality coals while still matching customers’ quality requirements
• Reduced operating costs by savings in energy, water and reagents, as problems in the process can be identified at much earlier stages
• Reduced quality penalties and cargo rejections.